89 Allpass Parade, Shorncliffe QLD 4017


Adventure on the water


QBSI B2.2. Section 10 Child Safe

Provided that they are not a Restricted Person, an adult who is a parent of a youth member and working in the same Group as their child or exempted under the Act may commence working with youth as a Volunteer whilst waiting for their Blue Card to be issued. Until these Adults hold a valid Blue Card or exemption card and have been issued a Certificate of Proficiency, they must at all times be supervised by a Leader who does hold a Certificate of Proficiency.

Leaders accompanying the parent are accountable for ensuring this application is in place, and notifying the Leader in Charge.

The Group Personal Accident Policy does not cover:
a. siblings of registered financial or un-financial Youth Members
b. children under five years of age
c. children whose parents have signed a Non-Member Activity Advice (Form F6).
a. Grandparents or relatives, unless legal guardian(s), are not considered Members.

For a full list of insurance inclusions and exclusions consult QBSI 5.6 Insurance

QBSI B2.2. Section 10 Child Safe

Provided that they are not a Restricted Person, an adult who is a parent of a youth member and working in the same Group as their child or exempted under the Act may commence working with youth as a Volunteer whilst waiting for their Blue Card to be issued. Until these Adults hold a valid Blue Card or exemption card and have been issued a Certificate of Proficiency, they must at all times be supervised by a Leader who does hold a Certificate of Proficiency.

Leaders accompanying the parent are accountable for ensuring this application is in place, and notifying the Leader in Charge.

The Group Personal Accident Policy does not cover:
a. siblings of registered financial or un-financial Youth Members
b. children under five years of age
c. children whose parents have signed a Non-Member Activity Advice (Form F6).
a. Grandparents or relatives, unless legal guardian(s), are not considered Members.

For a full list of insurance inclusions and exclusions consult QBSI 5.6 Insurance

What to bring Link

  • If you are a Joey or Cub, your leader with your permission form with health and emergency contact details
  • If you are a Scout or Venturer either
    • your leader with your permission form with health and emergency contact details
    • if your leader is not present, the person making the booking ensures this form is completed. https://groups.operoo.com/public_forms/807450/new  
    • or we will issue you with an invite to join our Operoo instance with a specific permission form for the activity
  • Clothes that can get wet/muddy
  • A Broad Brim Sunsafe Hat (preferably one with a drawstring to keep on the head when windy)
  • Good High SPF Sunscreen
  • A drink bottle
  • Enclosed shoes (that can get wet/muddy)
  • Spray jacket (wind and waterproof)
  • Swimming gear
  • Prepacked Lunch (unless catered)
  • Towels (for showering and for water activities)
  • Plastic bags (for wet clothes)
  • Strap for spectacles/sunglasses (string or otherwise)
  • NB: denim jeans are very uncomfortable when wet so please avoid wearing these for water activities.


No. We commonly an unfortunate instances where people book 40 a year out then only show with 20, which means others miss out, and we have to charge more to cover our costs

Also if it aligns with our refund policy, it is easy for us to credit the card.

 You can suggest parents can book directly with us and we can share who has booked.

To change a booking follow these instructions


Once you have done this and it is within our terms and conditions, you should request the refund is initiated through emailing treasurer@brownsea.scoutsqld.com.au


We encourage everyone who makes a booking to only take what they need (a Scout is Thrifty)

Please book the minimum number and book more only as you need them, or ask parents to book directly

  • Our volunteers are busy people too
  • Because our activities are popular, you may exclude other youth if you overbook

Our Refund Policy is on our site


To change a booking follow these instructions



No cost. We do have wood that you can use also until this runs out.

Have you followed the instructions on how to use a gas fuse? We often find no one has push ed the button on the fuse.

We do carry a spare bottle in the shed, however this is only accessible when staff are on site.


QBSI B2.2. Section 10 Child Safe

Provided that they are not a Restricted Person, an adult who is a parent of a youth member and working in the same Group as their child or exempted under the Act may commence working with youth as a Volunteer whilst waiting for their Blue Card to be issued. Until these Adults hold a valid Blue Card or exemption card and have been issued a Certificate of Proficiency, they must at all times be supervised by a Leader who does hold a Certificate of Proficiency.

Leaders accompanying the parent are accountable for ensuring this application is in place, and notifying the Leader in Charge.

The Group Personal Accident Policy does not cover:
a. siblings of registered financial or un-financial Youth Members
b. children under five years of age
c. children whose parents have signed a Non-Member Activity Advice (Form F6).
a. Grandparents or relatives, unless legal guardian(s), are not considered Members.

For a full list of insurance inclusions and exclusions consult QBSI 5.6 Insurance

Badges can be purchased with the other items through our bookings


Parking for visitors is limited to the front of Brownsea.

There is more parking near the Queensland Cruising Yacht Club and at the Public Ramp.

Take care when dropping off youth members and walking on the road around our building.

Joey Fun Day

Joey days are for Joeys and their leaders. Cubs can come out on any canoe day or pirate boat and raft day. If you are a leader with a Cub in your care for the day this is ok.

Scouts, Rovers, Venturers can be drafted in as volunteers for the day.

We are looking for specialist leaders to run section specific days with us… We have a Specialist Joey Leader and Cub Leader and these days are quickly taken up with Joeys… Doesn’t have to be a leader attached to brownsea…

We run activities all year round at Brownsea. Winter can be a more stable for weather. Less likely to have a thunderstorm.

All of the dates are in the Calendar.

Activities start at 8am and finish up at 3pm.

Start and Finish times include Safety Briefing, Getting Kitted out and wash down/ putting everything away.

Leader FAQs

QBSI B2.2. Section 10 Child Safe

Provided that they are not a Restricted Person, an adult who is a parent of a youth member and working in the same Group as their child or exempted under the Act may commence working with youth as a Volunteer whilst waiting for their Blue Card to be issued. Until these Adults hold a valid Blue Card or exemption card and have been issued a Certificate of Proficiency, they must at all times be supervised by a Leader who does hold a Certificate of Proficiency.

Leaders accompanying the parent are accountable for ensuring this application is in place, and notifying the Leader in Charge.

The Group Personal Accident Policy does not cover:
a. siblings of registered financial or un-financial Youth Members
b. children under five years of age
c. children whose parents have signed a Non-Member Activity Advice (Form F6).
a. Grandparents or relatives, unless legal guardian(s), are not considered Members.

For a full list of insurance inclusions and exclusions consult QBSI 5.6 Insurance

QBSI B2.2. Section 10 Child Safe

Provided that they are not a Restricted Person, an adult who is a parent of a youth member and working in the same Group as their child or exempted under the Act may commence working with youth as a Volunteer whilst waiting for their Blue Card to be issued. Until these Adults hold a valid Blue Card or exemption card and have been issued a Certificate of Proficiency, they must at all times be supervised by a Leader who does hold a Certificate of Proficiency.

Leaders accompanying the parent are accountable for ensuring this application is in place, and notifying the Leader in Charge.

The Group Personal Accident Policy does not cover:
a. siblings of registered financial or un-financial Youth Members
b. children under five years of age
c. children whose parents have signed a Non-Member Activity Advice (Form F6).
a. Grandparents or relatives, unless legal guardian(s), are not considered Members.

For a full list of insurance inclusions and exclusions consult QBSI 5.6 Insurance

Leaders could attend on a paddling night or day. You can use our equipment for practice. Have a look on our booking page to see when others will be in attendance and join in.

We have a policy of not charging leaders assist them to get through their evidence gathering… we believe leaders dip into their pockets too much anyway.

We have Pizza and Paddles Friday nights, and other paddling events you can join in on. Depends on your availability and when people have already booked.

If it is an event where you are looking after the primary needs of your youth… Example a Joey Day or Section CampTheir section leader issues the permission form and manages medications etc.
A youth member is unaccompanied  (that those who will not be supervised by Adult leader from their group who has their permission form / Operoo profile) Example a Venturer at a Pizza and Paddle with no onsite leaderIt is the accountability of the person making the booking to ensure this form is completed. https://groups.operoo.com/public_forms/807450/new  
A youth member is unaccompanied  for an overnight camp that where that youth member is under brownsea’s direct care for the whole camp. E.g Ultimate Sailing Program 4 Day Camp  After a booking is made we will send an invite to join our Operoo instance, and issue an online permission form.

There is a template C5 on the website that you can use. Leaders will need to create and share their own C5 with their group leader, and you may list us as Activity Leaders. Brownsea does not need a copy of your C5.

A copy of our risk assessments can be found in the documents section of our website.


Please could you tell me if you will be running any sailing courses for leaders new to sailing? I have checked the Training Calendar and there are none listed.

We are not running sailing training courses (we don’t have anyone to run them as assessors). but we are willing to at no cost take you out for a sail at whatever level to build your skills and log book up.

This will give you access to a wider variety of conditions. Approximately each fortnight on Saturdays 8-3pm and they run on the high tide. If you are a leader of youth, when making a booking use the code LOY to get the full discount.

It needs several visits or to be part of our USP Camp before sailors are ready to do a journey

We work through OAS skills in Corsair Training Dingys. The ratios in the boat depends a lot on the number of qualified skippers that we have on the day.

Never too late to join. It is a rolling program that runs approximately every 2nd week on the high tides in term time.

Feedback from the team…

  • It is hard work getting out the creek and
  • if it is windy no where to hide in the creek and sail…

We are trying to give the team a bit of a routine, so they know when the days are coming up…